Monday 4 April 2016

6 Time Saving Automations Your Business Needs


 It’s hard to find a business owner who sits back, kicks their feet up on the table, and says, “You know what? I really have all the time in the world. I really don’t need more free time in my days. And money? Well I have that in droves!” And if you found that person, you might laugh at them. Or want to punch them in the face. Creating more free time and money is the mythical unicorn that we’re all seeking: more time to focus on your products and services, to write for your blog, to commit to your email marketing. More money to invest in other products, to travel, to hire a team. So when you finally stumble upon a powerful tool that does save you time and money, you want more of it. Fortunately for you, there’s a way to get more (insert evil genius laugh here) Meet Zapier. Zapier rhymes with happier. zapier-happier You can consider Zapier your new assistant. With this incredible tool in your back pocket (er, browser) you can connect software and systems that wouldn’t otherwise be connected. Our customers are using Zapier left and right these days to connect their favorite tools with their ConvertKit list when we don’t have a full integration built out for it. Here are 6 automations you can put into place today to find those extra minutes/hours/days you’ve been so keen to gain: ck-zapier 1) Add your PayPal or Stripe customers to a form within ConvertKit Add PayPal customers to a ConvertKit tag Use this Zap powered by Zapier Add Stripe customers to a ConvertKit tag Use this Zap powered by Zapier Want to grab your customer’s name and email address and pull them all into a form inside ConvertKit? Want to send them a specific welcome sequence? You can connect straight to a form or sequence inside ConvertKit and they’ll get all of that information without you doing any manual data entry! 2) Import your WuFoo or Typeform entries into a ConvertKit tag Add Wufoo entries to a ConvertKit tag Use this Zap powered by Zapier Add Typeform email entries to a ConvertKit tag Use this Zap powered by Zapier You get a lot of data in your form entries and you want a place to store it. With a zap from WuFoo or Typeform into ConvertKit, you can store names and email addresses inside a tag for easy access in the future. (Pssst: we’ve been hinting at adding custom fields on the import side and that’s coming soon – eventually you’ll be able to store so much more than names and emails alone!) 3) Add a new Wistia video subscriber to a ConvertKit sequence Add new Wistia subscriber to a ConvertKit tag Use this Zap powered by Zapier Your Wistia videos are optimized to collect subscribers at the end (thanks, Wistia!) but then you have to manually import that data into ConvertKit when you want to add those subscribers into an email sequence. Not with Zapier! Just connect the zap and your Wistia video viewers will be added to ConvertKit when they opt in. 4) Add your purchasers through SendOwl to a tag inside ConvertKit Add ConvertKit tag subscribers for new SendOwl orders Use this Zap powered by Zapier Keeping track of all of your product purchasers can be a pain. They buy, you export their info, and then you have to remember to import them to ConvertKit before sending your broadcasts. Well, save yourself some time (and maximize your profits by engaging existing customers) by setting up this zap. 5) Link clients booking with Acuity Scheduling to a sequence in ConvertKit Create ConvertKit subscribers from Acuity Scheduling appointments Use this Zap powered by Zapier You have information to send your consulting clients but the intake forms inside Acuity Scheduling aren’t quite cutting it… Zapier to the rescue. Setup this zap to move your clients into a sequence inside ConvertKit and send them all the details they need via email. 6) Add your webinar participants from to a ConvertKit tag Create ConvertKit subscribers from Crowdcast registrations Use this Zap powered by Zapier One of the hottest webinar platforms lately is and it’s for good reason. Make keeping in touch with those webinar participants as easy as the platform itself is to use. This zap moves all of your participants into a tag so you can easily stay in touch long after the webinar is over. Note: With all of these automations, you’ll want to be sure your subscribers are explicitly opting in to your email list (or at least have a heads up they’ll be added to it). They always have the option to unsubscribe but the polite legal thing to do is to get that explicit consent up front. The best part about these automations? They’re all available to you with a free Zapier account. See? Saved you time AND money. You’re welcome. save-zapier What’s your favorite Zapier automation? What would you love to create with easy automations? Tell me in the comments and share your evil genius time saving hacks with everyone!

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