Friday 1 April 2016

5 Easy to Use Online Logo Makers to Design Your Brand

by Tucker Schreiber Twitter  5 minute read 458 shares Facebook Twitter Linkedin

5 Easy to Use Online Logo Makers to Design Your Brand
You have a product that will fly off the shelves, but are struggling with your branding.


You need a logo but don’t have any idea about how to design a great one.  You could hire a designer, but you don’t want to spend all of your startup costs on your logo.

This is a side project for you after all.  What do you do?

We’ve got you covered.  In this post, we’ve compiled a list of high quality logo generators to help you create your brand.

You’ll be up and running with a beautiful logo in no time.

Bonus Guide: Eager to make your first sale online? This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about getting that first sale for your business. Download your copy now.

Why A Logo is Important For Your Brand


Logos act as the “face” of your business.  They’re a graphical display of what your company stands for, and can be used as a way to promote your brand both online and offline.

While Shopify does automatically generate text based logos for you, it’s still important to have a custom logo to define your brand and make your store stand out from the competition.

Logo Design 101

DesignBuddy recently did a fantastic data analysis on the world’s top brands, and what their logos have in common.  Here are some key highlights from the article that you might want to consider when designing your logo using one of these generators:

95% of the world’s top brand’s logos use one or two colors
41% of the brands use stylized type as their logo
93% are simple enough to be recognized at smaller sizes
Take a look at this article from Buffer written by Leo Widrich - "Why Facebook is Blue: The Science of Colors in Marketing" to get a good idea of what colors to use for your logo.

Here are a few important design rules to remember before diving in to these logo makers.  These tips are taken from Creativebloq’s Logo design: 60 pro tips:

A logo must be simple: A simple logo design allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable. Effective logos feature something unexpected or unique without being overdrawn.
A logo must be memorable: Following closely behind the principle of simplicity is that of memorability. An effective logo design should be memorable and this is achieved by having a simple yet appropriate logo.
A logo must be enduring: An effective logo should endure the test of time. The logo should be 'future proof', meaning that it should still be effective in 10, 20, 50+ years time.
A logo must be versatile: An effective logo should be able to work across a variety of mediums and applications.
A logo must be appropriate: How you position the logo should be appropriate for its intended purpose. For a more detailed explanation see: What makes a good logo?
Bonus: want to see the exact color codes for some of the world’s top brands?  Take a look at BrandColors.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Designing a Logo

Here are some common mistakes that we’ve come across when digging through thousands of ecommerce stores.  Avoid these design mistakes when using one of the online logo makers below.

Avoid using unattractive clip art
Don’t make your logo overly complex
Make sure looks good in black and white
Note:  The generators that we’ll go over in this post are fantastic for new stores who are looking to get their feet wet.  These tools are great if you’re just starting out on a bootstrapped budget, but if you can afford it, we highly recommend investing in a professional logo by some Shopify Experts who can really help you establish your brand.

BONUS: Online Logo Maker by Shopify

Use the official Shopify Online Logo Maker to create a stellar logo for your business for free, in just seconds.

With no prior design knowledge necessary, you'll be up and running with a custom logo in no time at all.

Logo Generator by Spaces

Spaces is a fantastic service that is extremely simple to use and creates stunning, trendy logos.

Simply enter your ecommerce store name and describe it with a few keywords, and Spaces will automatically generate hundreds of logos that relate to your business.

One of the great things about Spaces is that they let you tweak little things like the typography and more to make a design that reflects your brand.  

Best of all, it's free!

Hipster Logo Generator


The Hipster Logo Generator takes an extremely trendy design concept, and makes it easy for you to capture it for your own brand.

Their logo generator is full of different tools and customizations so you can tweak your logo to look however you want.

You can take a look at their blog that showcases some of the most recent logos that have been generated using their logo generator.

Best of all, it’s totally free.

GraphicSprings Logo Creator

GraphicSprings is perhaps the most powerful of the list. The amount of customizations you can make in their online logo creator is outstanding. It’s almost as robust as having an image editor tool on your computer.

One of the great features they have is the ability to break down logo types depending on your business.  Here are some examples:

Food and drink
Letter based
Many, many more.
You can also hire someone from their team to create a totally custom logo for you if you aren’t satisfied with their logo creator.

Get started with GraphicSprings for free now.


The most creative of the list, Logoshi’s Sketch a Logo service is fantastic for creating a custom logo.

All you have to do is sketch or draw what you’d like your logo to look like, enter your ecommerce store name and it will automatically create a stunning logo for you in seconds.

It’s a really great service if you’re  looking for something very custom, while maintaining a professional look.  


Although Logaster may not be as up to date as the previous tools we mentioned, it still has an enormous amount of logos available through their generator.

You’ll be able to browse through hundreds of logos, all of which are extremely customizable in terms of name, slogan, business type, and color.

You can get started with Logaster now.

Tip: Logo Inspiration Sources

Now that we’ve taken a look at some fantastic logo generators, it’s time to get inspired.  We’ve compiled a list of some of the best places to go online to get your creative juices flowing.

Logo Faves
Logo Moose
Bonus Guide: "How to Choose the Perfect Domain Name" - a free, comprehensive guide that shows you how to find and choose the right domain to build you brand on. Get the Guide.


Hopefully now you have a great idea of where to get started with your brand’s logo.  If you have any tools or resources that we may have missed, let us know in the comments below!

About The Author

Tucker Schreiber is an ecommerce entrepreneur and Content Marketer at Shopify. Get more from Tucker on Twitter.

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