Monday 4 April 2016

10 Useful and Fun WordPress Plugins

January 12, 2016 by Devin Sears
One of the huge advantages of the WordPress platform is the vast ecosystem of plugins.  There are literally thousands of plugins providing features you didn’t even know existed.  Below is a quick roundup of ten WordPress plugins that might add some utility or just a little fun to your site.

Visual Composer – Designing a beautiful site without touching any code is now a reality.  Visual Composer is a drag and drop site editor that makes it drop dead simple to build a WordPress site with no programming knowledge required.

Real 3D FlipBook – Create a beautiful 3D Flipbook from a pdf or image quickly and easily.  This is an easy way to bring static PDFs to life or showcase your images in a more interesting, engaging style.

Monarch Social Sharing – It’s essential that all your content is enabled for easy social sharing.  The Monarch social sharing plugin not only makes it easy to add these sharing features, it provides one of the cleanest looking social sharing solutions.  From floating sidebar options to pop-up or on image options, Monarch makes it easy to share your fantastic content.

Gravity Forms – Forms may not be the sexiest element of your website, but it’s important that they look good, work well and are not a huge headache to create.  Gravity Forms makes it easy to create beautiful forms for your site quickly and easily.

Adsanity – At some point you may consider monetizing your website with advertising.  Adsanity can help you implement advertising on your site without a lot of complexity or expense.  Their solution is beginner-friendly but can scale as your business grows.  An excellent solution for making a little revenue from your hard-earned traffic.

WPtouch – Even a responsive WordPress theme doesn’t always provide quite the right mobile experience.  WPtouch allows you to customize the mobile experience users have with your site so you can be sure users have the optimal experience with your site regardless of what device they’re using.

Webba Booking – Allow users to book appointments with you online with this slick little plugin.  Your customers will love the convenience and you can have this feature up and running in no time.

Inbound Brew – Inbound marketing is all the rage but many of the inbound marketing platforms are expensive and beyond the reach of many small businesses.  Inbound Brew provides a simple, WordPress-based solution that turns your site into an inbound marketing machine.  A fantastic alternative you can have up and running quickly.

Polylang – Chances are good, even for a small business, that your customers are coming from all over the world.  At some point the option to provide your site content in multiple languages could be useful or even essential.  Polylang provides a multitude of options for adding multiple languages to your site to support a more global audience.

The Force – This one is just for fun.  Install this plugin and you’ll see random Star Wars quotes in the top right of every admin page.

The plugins mentioned here don’t even scratch the surface of the WordPress plugin universe.  If you have something in mind chances are good that someone has built what you need.  A comprehensive directly can be found here.

Posted in Account Tips, Small Business, WordPress

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